5 Things people are doing wrong on Linkedin

1. Just having an account and consuming information. Instead…Be the leader, be the trusted advisor in your space and share your wisdom.

2. Not being proactive with prospecting.
33% of my business comes from Linkedin directly or someone from Linkedin connected me to someone

3. Not Showing Off enough
– Sorry not enough people know about what you do.
– If you don’t tell or show the world what you do. They won’t know your talent.
– Key is repetition.

4. Not communicating to their exisiting network.
– This is your goldmine, and yet people are not utilising them for opportunities
– Your network could champ and refer you work.

5. Not getting the Premium Account. There is so data gathered by Linkedin. It can track who is looking at your profile. Also allows me to see which post are successful.

Which one are you guilty of?

I’ve managed to unlock the Linkedin secrets. Getting roughly 3-5 leads A WEEK on Linkedin.

If you like to turn your Linkedin into a sales machine – Type YES below for a free audit.

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