Book Summary: Robert Cialdini – Influence – Principles of Influence

A book that goes through the basic fundamentals of persuasion where you can naturally see applies in our everyday life:

Here are the are main points:

1. Reciprocity
When we receive something we feel obliged to give something back.

2. Consistency
We feel compelled to be consistent with what we’re said/done in the past

3. Social Proof
When we’re uncertain how to behave or react, we look to others for answers.

4. Liking
We’re more likely to agree to someones request if we know and like him/her

5. Authority
We tend to obey figures of authority (people with titles or expertise)

6. Scarcity
We perceive something to be more valuable when it’s less available

Which one can you use this month for yourself or your organisation?

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