Bringing Clarity to your Pitch

Bringing Clarity to your Pitch

Do you feel you have a lot of ideas rattling in your head? And need someone to crystallise your ideas into a well structure pitch?

Here are some tips on bringing clarity to your pitch.

1. Write it out
– List out and brain dump all your thoughts on a sheet of paper.
– Pen and paper or on a simple word document.
– Do not stop writing
– Don’t try to edit any of it as well.
– Just until all your thoughts are emptied out

2. Go for a walk &/or get a coffee 😉
– You have released all your energy and thoughts from your head, take a break
– This break allows you to realise and reflect what was good and what was not

3. Revisit what you wrote
– Start cutting all the unnecessary elements
– Ask yourself these questions
“Do I really need this in the pitch?”
“Is this something they need to know?”
“How can I make it easier for them to understand?”

4. Structure your pitch v0.1
– Write it out as much as you can
– Your first version is going to have some bugs. Just realise this and understand you can come back to work on version 1.2

5. Get Feedback
– Go and test this new pitch and see how others response
– The success of this is not on you but on how others receive your pitch. So get feedback!

Let me know if you have any questions. Happy to help.

???? Follow The Unspoken Pitch on the journey into selling with visual storytelling

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