Three Concepts to Conveying Key Messages

Three Concepts to Conveying Key Messages in the Most Powerful Way Possible.

Three Concepts to Conveying Key Messages in the Most Powerful Way Possible.

1. Identify your Unique Selling Proposition

How is your solution different from the competition? The Unique Selling Proposition is that attribute that makes your product different. The best USP is one that addresses a real problem that your target audience has.

If the proposition is not strong enough, customers may not be drawn to the product. Try to make it something that the competition is not offering or is offering in a different way.

2. Define a Clear Objective

Don’t write any piece of copy/text without a clear purpose.

Know what you want the reader to do after reading your piece. If you are not clear about how you want them to respond, then your readers won’t be either.

All of your messaging should be written with the aim of adding some value to your target audience; whether or not they are ‘salesy,’ or not.

3. Keep it Short and Sweet
Read your first draft aloud after you are done the writing. Ask another person to read it and tell you how well they understand the message.

Remember that most people don’t read at first sight; they run their eyes down the page quickly to determine whether the email is worth a second look.

Which point resonated for you?

#closingdeals #unspokenpitch